Products |
We are manufacturing the following IML brands
: |
Old Castle Premium Whisky |
U.S. Whisky |
U.S. Brandy |
U.S. Gin. |
Ugar XXX Rum |
Gokak Falls Whisky |
Milan Whisky |
Hawk Gin |
Gagarin Vodka |
Ethanol (Absolute Alcohol) : |
The Ethanol, being manufactured
by the sugar industry in Brazil and other countries has been successfully mixed
upto a certain percentage with petrol. This is a relatively new area of
business for the sugar industry in India.
We are happy to let our shareholders know, that we have started the production of
Ethanol-Bio Fuel in March 2003. The Ethanol plant has been commissioned by
Messrs. Associated Engineers. Gujarat and the plant has a capacity of producing upto 20,000 LPD.
The Ethanol production is based on the Azeotropic Distillers method in which
Benzene is used as a entariner.
The Ethanol plant is having two columns. One is a dehydration column which is
having 48 plates and 1200mm diameter, rectified spirit is main raw material for
ethanol . Ethanol of purity 99.6% is tapped from the bottom plates of the same
column . The possible losses of Benzene & Rectified Spirit during the
distillation column are recovered through the recovery column and are again fed
to the dehydration column .
The Ethanol of purity 99.6% thus produced, is stored in to the air tight
We would like to proudly mention, that we have started the issuing of ethanol
i.e. Bio Fuel to the Petroleum Companies like IOCL, BPCL etc., for 5% blending
with petrol. |
Rectified Spirit : |
Rectified Spirit is produced from
cane molasses. The molasses is diluted & fermentation is done by using
yeast as a catalyst. After fermentation, the Rectified Spirit is produced by
means of fractional distillation in a copper column
Finally, the Rectified Spirit is collected & stored in M.S tanks.
Rectified Spirit is used in the preparation of Medicines, Syrups and Perfumes.
It is also used for the preparation of extra neutral alcohol, absolute alcohol,
ethyl actitate and acetic acid.
The Ugar Sugar Works Distillery division is producing Rectified Spirit of ISI
grade, first and middle grade alcohol. The licensed capacity of Rectified
Spirit is 75,000 Litres per day.
Malt Spirit: |
We are Producing Quality Malt
Spirit for the last 20 Years. It is produced with a good quality malt grains,
which we are bringing from the state of Haryana.
Malt grains are crushed (powdered) properely to the required size and the
powedered malt is slowly added in to the mashing tank along with the hot water
of temperature 67 degree C (maintained constantly). Then the cooled malt liquid
of brix 15o is fermented into pre-cleaned sterilized fermented by adding yeast
and enzymes.
After completion of the fermentation reaction, the final brix is about 0.5 to
0.0 and the fermented malt liquid contains abount 5 to 6% of Alcohol . It is
then distilled in well equipped pot stills maintianing proper temperature and
Thus the good quality malt spirit is produced and is stored in stainless steel
receivers. The same malt spirit is matured in oak tree wooden vats and casks in
well moisturized warehouses.
The matured malt spirit is used for blending of our own IML Brands and also it
is sold to outside parties. |
Extra Neutral Alcohol is used for
production of various types of IML products. As per ISI requirements, we are
having 2 ENA plants at the Distillery Section of capacity 10 LPD and 6.5 LPD
respectively. |
By Products and Their Usage:- |
The fermentation sludge is dried
and separated . It is used for Poultry feeds.
Fusel Oil is separated from the distillery Section (Mixture of Higher Alcohol)
and used for Amyl Alcohol/Perfumes.
Carbon Dioxide is also produced in the fermentation process. It is scrubbed and
filled in the Cylinders. It is used for Industrial purpose.
Low Grade Potash from Distillery Effluent. The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd. has set up zero water pollution with zero discharge distillery effluent treatment plant. The plant consists of biomethanation system followed by evaporation & spray drying system. The product low grade potash powder contains mainly about 15 % potash & all other useful nutrients for crops especially for sugarcane. The Ministry of Science &Technology has supported the project by sanctioning a soft loan. The efforts made by the factory in setting up this plant first in India are very well appreciated by Central pollution ControlBoard, New Delhi. This product is also included under FCO (Fertilizer Control Order) act by Ministry of Agricultural & Co-operation, GOI, NewDelhi. At present 100% K (Potash) is imported. In this process indigenous potash is recovered.
Market Share : |
Our Marketing area covers the
following States: |
Karnataka |
Kerala |
Maharashtra |
Andra Pradesh |
The Marketing of the IML Brands are being done by MSIL (Mysore Sales
International Ltd.), a Government of Karnataka undertaking firm.
We are having a full fledge effluent treatment plant for treating waste of the
distillery Bio-Digester followed by SSP. The gas evolved in the digester is
given to the gas engine to produce one MW of power.
This electricity is used for Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Plant. |